Tag Archives: shibainc

Best Hong Kong Property Award Display

微型展覽.感恩 Best Hong Kong Property AwardThank you!

Book Fair 2021

【柴犬工房 – 簽書會後感想&照片分享】 多謝客大朋友,小朋友昨日來到簽書會。跟SHIBAINC的作者DC & Wing見面。短短的相聚,交談,畫公仔, 實在好開心。 感謝同我們打氣的每一位。你哋每一句「加油呀」「努力」「支持你」「屈臣氏嗰隻」(),都令我們充滿力量 感謝支持 《SHIBAINC柴犬工房——朋友要天天見》書展簽名本日期:7月14日 – 7月19日地點:香港書展攤位Hall1D-C02 PS: 感謝非凡邀請我們出席簽書會。 &謝謝編輯卡文及同事們的安排 [...]

SHIBAINC Family in 3D art!

SHIBAINC family have a NEW LOOK in 3D art! How do you like our new [...]

Newspaper Feature 星島日報推介

感謝星島日報的推介*features by SingTao newspaper 《 SHIBAINC 柴犬工房 —朋友要天天見》已登陸到各大書局

Social Distancing

SocialDistancing means remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 [...]

Stay Alert! Keep Clean!

StayHome #KeepCalm #Relax #SHIBAINC2020 #柴犬工房 #SHIBAINC

SHIBAINC SS2021 Apparels Collection

Newest SHIBAINC SS2021 Apparels Collection are now available on our website. 全新柴犬工房 SS2021 服飾系列 #shibainc [...]

Zoom Event – Brand Sharing with local teachers and students.

上週@SHIBAINC的代表亞Wing, 被邀請出席了一個網上分享會, 分享開網店的小貼士⭐️有大約400位師生出席. Zoom Event with local school teachers and student.Sharing SHIBAINC’s brand and online [...]

Best Hong Kong Property Award 2020

好高興同大家分享 柴犬工房 獲得 2020 最佳香港授權品牌獎 多謝各位的支持 SHIBAINC received a Licensing Award – Best Hong Kong [...]


Second launch crossover project with Watsons!