Tag Archives: shibainc family

SHIBAINC AW2021 Apparels Collection

Newest SHIBAINC AW2021 Apparels Collection are now available on our website. Promotion for local Hong [...]

2022 Calendar

SHIBAINC newest calendar design. The concept of this calendar, we have added a quotes on [...]


睇恐怖片, 無啦啦敷面膜,想嚇死人咩~ 祝萬聖節快樂Happy Halloween __________ Worldwide Shippingwww.shibainc.com/shop


就快萬聖節啦,諗好嗰個日扮咩未啊?😆Mirror就係人見到都尖叫(興奮地)咁如果見到Shibainc呢塊Mirror,又會唔會嚇到尖叫呢!?~ 👻👻👻__________Worldwide Shippingwww.shibainc.com/shop

I Try To…

: I try to hide my feeling, but I forgot that my eyes speak #MoSHIBAINC the [...]

I Cook…

: I Cook As Good As I Look #的的DD 唔止鍾意扮靚仲最鍾意為朋友準備食物 #SHIBAINCvibes__________Worldwide Shippingwww.shibainc.com/shop

I Am Just…

: SHIBE, What you doing?: I’m just spacing out…A wandering mind reaps benefits you might [...]

Rainbow Make Me Smile

There is always a Rainbow  after the Rain __________Worldwide Shippingwww.shibainc.com/shop

When life gives you a rainy day 🌨…..

When life gives you a rainy day Play in the puddles � __________Worldwide Shippingwww.shibainc.com/shop

Do anything which good for your soul

Do anything which good for your soul DD loves cooking __________www.shibainc.com