Tag Archives: 正能量

The Essence of LOVE, is CONCERN

The Essence of LOVE, is CONCERN 愛·從關心開始 中秋就到, 係時候關心一下家人•朋友 #PositiveVibes __ www.shibainc.com

Is Friday!

Hands up if you love Friday! 今日又可以同朋友一齊玩啦🙌🏻🎉 #PositiveVibes __ www.shibainc.com

HAPPY Looks Good On You

Happy Looks Good On You 欣賞自己•讓一切平凡事•變得美麗💗 __ www.shibainc.com

Plant Seeds Of KINDNESS

Kindness Grows 播下善良的種子 總有一天, 會開花結果🌱 #星星花田 #正能量 __ www.shibainc.com

Bedding Crossover Project 2018-2019

First shiba theme bedding crossover project in Hong Kong, from year of 2018 – 2019. [...]