Category Archives: Interview

The WAVE Feature

派「心」行動,柴犬工房發放正能量.感謝The Wave推介

HK Economic Journal Newspaper Feature

感謝信報的推介*features by Hong Kong Economic Journal newspaper

TV interview

電視主持嚟到我哋工作室.  店長DD埋位準備做訪問.DC爸爸在畫SHIBE卡通. #DDshibainu

Hong Kong Commercial Daily – Newspaper Feature and Interview

感謝香港商報財經分析的推介*features by HKCD newspaper

HKET – Newspaper Feature

《柴犬工房》愛犬卡通化 三年紅至歐美日韓 為本土品牌爭光HKET feature and newspaper interview.

Taiwan Media Feature 妞新聞

感謝妞新聞的推介?*features by Taiwan Nius News

SingTao Daily – newspaper interview

80後愛犬變嘜頭 網店「柴」源廣進. Thanks SingTao Daily newspaper for the brand feature and interview.

Video Interview – 青雲路專訪

柴犬工房 故事專訪. SHIBAinc video interview

Magazine Cover Story – 青雲路 雜誌封面訪問

柴犬工房 雜誌封面故事. SHIBAinc magazine cover store 

WenWei Newspaper Feature and Interview

【創+故事】愛犬卡通化 開心Share變商機 SHIBAinc 柴犬工房大編的報章報道 多謝記者Ivy