Category Archives: Comic

When life gives you a rainy day 🌨…..

When life gives you a rainy day Play in the puddles � __________Worldwide

Do anything which good for your soul

Do anything which good for your soul DD loves cooking

Do What You Love

Do What You Love 要做自己喜愛的事#的的dd 格言

Why stress, when you can rest

Why stress, when you can rest#雪比shibe WhatsApp Sticker:

Be kind like BUshibainc

Have a good day  #BeKind like

Little Moment, Big Memories

Little Moment, Big Memories 要珍惜同朋友相聚嘅每個小moment~

Be like MO the cat!

Be like MO the cat!Always be simple, honest & REAL. 簡單, 誠實, 活出真我#MOshibainc

Autumn & Pumpkin season

SHIBE & BAO welcome the autumn, pumpkin season

Happy Mid Autumn Festival

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 祝中秋節快樂💛 __

The Essence of LOVE, is CONCERN

The Essence of LOVE, is CONCERN 愛·從關心開始 中秋就到, 係時候關心一下家人•朋友 #PositiveVibes __